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Visual Information Processing
(Ref. TIC-116)
julio 2024
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Información sobre el grupo

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The research group “Visual Information Processing” (VIPG) consists of members of the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence and the Software Engineering Department at the University of Granada and the Departament of Informatics at the University of Jaén.

In 1986, Computer Engineering Studies were established at the University of Granada. In the same year the research group at the Junta de Andalucía “Digital Image Analysis and its Applications (DIATA)” was created. The people initially involved in DIATA were Dr. Nicolás Pérez de la Blanca and Dr. Rafael Molina. From 1986 to 2002, 13 Ph.D. dissertations were presented within the group. In 2002, DIATA ceased to exist and two new groups were created, Visual information Processing and Computer Vision.

Members of VIPG have collaborated closely with researchers from several universities. In 1986, and through the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalucía (IAA), we started work with Prof. Brian Ripley (Oxford University, then at Strathclyde University) to research on Astronomical image restoration. A close working collaboration was also then established with IMSOR (now IMM) at the Technical University of Denmark on remote sensing classification problems. More recently, the group has maintained a close collaboration on visual research areas such as image representation, image restoration and reconstruction of compressed images and sequences with Prof. A.K. Katsaggelos (Nortwestern University of Evanston, Illinois), Prof. F. Murtagh (Queen’s University of Belfast) and Prof. E. P. Simoncelli (New York University, New York), see list of publications.

For a list of research topics currently relevant to VIPG see research areas. VIPG publications include 5 books, 27 book chapters, more than 50 papers in journals and more than 130 papers in conferences proceedings. The group has been involved in 30 national and international research projects and contracts (see corresponding areas of our web page).

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